​​Certificate Course Syllabus
Wide Body / Multiple Crew Onboard
This program is perfect for students who wish to work for a large international airline or charter operator. The program features one of the worlds most popular multi aisle aircraft manufactured by Airbus – the A330. You will learn how to operate in a large multiple crew environments with up to 18 crew members onboard. Upon completion of this program you will receive a certificate of completion This course applies to airlines such as...
Air France
Air Canada
Emirates Airlines
Etihad Airways
Qatar Airways
Jet Airways
Air India
…and more!
Course Outline​
1. History of Flight
What is a Cabin Crew Member?
History of Cabin Crew
Theory of Flight
Staying in the Air
How Far We Can Fly
ATC Their Role
Global Geography (Continents)
Time Zones
24 Hour Clock
Designator Codes (Airline & City)
Phonetic Alphabet
2. Aviation Terminology
Designator Codes (Airline & City)
Phonetic Alphabet
3. Regulations
Around the World
Regulations at Work
Cabin Crew Manuals
Amendments and Revisions
4. A Day in the Life...
Preparing for Duty
Drug and Alcohol Policy
Personal Image
Personal Grooming Standards
5. Uniform Policy
Looking Professional
Requirements for Duty
6. At the Airport
Check-In Duties
Minimum Crew
Chain of Command
7. One Crew Concept
Crew Resource Management
Importance of Effective Communication
Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
Crew Briefings
8. Going to the Aircraft/Aircraft Type
Categories of Aircraft
Aircraft Type
Crew Baggage
Pre-flight Check
Purpose of Equipment
List of Equipment
Minimum Equipment List
9. Standard Safety Procedures
Screening of Passengers and Crew
General Security Principles
Dangerous Goods
10. Boarding
List of Special Needs
Prisoners and Escorts
Special Needs Passenger Briefing
11. General Boarding
Apron Safety
Passenger Seating
12. Passenger Handling
Customer Service
Types of Complaints
Abusive/Disruptive Passengers
Failure to Comply
Denied Boarding
Captain's Authority
13. Freight and Baggage
Carry-on Baggage
Animals in the Cabin
Baggage Stowage
14. Passenger Briefings
Announcements and Techniques
Electronic Devices
Types of Devices
Why Are There Restrictions?
Reporting Device Interference
Window Exit Briefings
15. Taxi
Visual Checks
Flight Deck Communication
Crew Seating
Cabin Crew Stations
Silent Review
Critical Phases of Flight
Sterile Flight Deck
16. Inflight
Ordinance Signs
17. Inflight Service
First Class Service
Business Class Service
Economy Class Service
Flight Deck Service and Protocol
The Glass Cockpit
Jump seat Authorization
Service on the Ground
Liquor Service
Intoxicated Passengers
World Standards on Disruptions
Admittance – Locking of Flight Deck Door
Safe Work Habits
18. Being Prepared
Inflight Turbulence
Pressurization Problems
Pressurization System
How It's Maintained
Oxygen and the Body
Rapid Decompression
Engine Problems
Propeller Abnormalities
Time of Useful Consciousness
Medical Issues
Oxygen Administration
Crew Incapacitation
Pilot Jump seats
19. Emergency Situations
Inflight Fires
How Fires Work
Types of Fires-Classes
Smoke and or Fumes
Fire Detection
Where Fires Can Happen
Cargo Firefighting
20. Other Types of Inflight Emergency
Bomb Threats
21. Preparing for an Emergency
Emergency Briefings
Emergency Landing Checklist
Crew Coordination
Briefing of Passengers
Brace Positions
The Words
22. Categories of Landings
When to Evacuate
How to Evacuate
23. Post Evacuation
Post Evacuation Procedures
Help on the Scene
24. Post Crash Survival
Wilderness Survival
Sea Survival
Tropical/Jungle Survival
Desert Survival
Arctic Survival
25. Back in the Air
Duties upon Descent
26. Landing/Taxi-In
Post Landing Duties
27. Deplaning
Customs and Immigration
Fueling With Passengers Onboard
Gate and Apron Emergencies
Aircraft Surface Contamination
28. Flight Termination
Personal Security
29. Flight Safety
What is Flight Safety?
Crew Responsibilities
Some Examples
30. Conclusion
Health and Wellness
Eating Right
Eating on the Run
Jet Lag
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Medical Issues
31. Getting a Job
Who Are My Potential Employers?
Resume Preparation
Interview Techniques
Job Bank​​​​​​​​